Tribute to Ellen Harrower

We are saddened by the news that "Wee Ellen" had passed away, she was 97 years young and had served Coatbridge CAB as a volunteer adviser and latterly as admin support for over 33 years. She still came into CAB at least once a week until ill health and lockdown prevented her this year. She was such a character and loved by everyone in Coatbridge CAB, our young staff and volunteers loved her stories of manning the guns near Lands’ End during World War 2 and we all heard about her many travels abroad where she learned to fly a light aircraft whilst in Canada in her 80s. She always wanted to help the community of Coatbridge and was also involved in many groups within Towhead Parish Church, she will be missed by so many and we're grateful for the support and service she gave us and the Citizens of Coatbridge. Her long and loyal service was acknowledged by a visit to see her by the Patron of Citizens Advice, The Princess Royal, in November 2016 (picture attached)